If you are dabbling with the idea of entrepreneurship and unsure what industry to enter, the consumer-based sector is a top choice. It will always be the innovative force behind new technology because it’s focused on the largest market: the general public.

When you’re working in a consumer-focused market you have to know how to blend; it’s the only way to stay competitive.

The exciting mobile applications currently being acquired by Internet giants like Facebook, Twitter, or Google are taking the blend to a whole new level by giving consumers online tools that directly interact with their offline locations and experiences.

The mobile application SocialRadar, for example, connects users with social media friends and acquaintances according to their offline, physical location. If a user’s social media friend is at a restaurant or spa down the street from them, SocialRadar will send a notification to the user. This gives them an opportunity to connect offline with online friends, or at the very least, to read updates revealing what their online friends are doing.

Another popular mobile app recommends restaurants and attractions within close geographical proximity to its users. These recommendations are based on the information stored in the user’s logged preferences, interests, and tastes. If a user loves deep-dish pizza, it may recommend a Chicago-style pizza joint a few blocks away from the user’s location.

The demand for Geolocation applications will only grow as the world’s offline reality becomes more enmeshed with online information and systems. These are the kinds of applications to invest in and build if the option is available. It’s a niche in the consumer industry that’s on the rise.

The takeaway from this: the importance of the online/offline connection is growing rapidly. Successful entrepreneurs respect this reality. They’ve jumped onboard and are seeking out new, innovative ways to further realize this blend.



This article is an excerpt from the book “The Whiteboard: Go from Blank Canvas to a Productive, Leveraged, & Highly-Profitable Business” by Chris Haddon and Jason Balin. Please click here to see more.




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