Yesterday I took a 4 hour lunch. Yup! Your read that correctly. I spent 4 hours of my day consuming a large quantity of charred meat and adult beverages. More importantly, I spent 4 hours with 4 other successful Real Estate entrepreneurs discussing our businesses, planning our goals and growth for 2016.
But it’s only early November, you say? That’s right! NOW is the time that you should be planning to hit your 2016 goals as well.
New Years resolutions, for most people, are an annual tradition of practiced failure. On January 1, they feel over weight so they pledge to work out and get into shape. They look at their finances and vow to save more money this year. More often than not, those promises last a few days (weeks if you’re lucky) before they fall by the way side only to be picked up next January 1.
So what’s the rub? Why do so many New Years resolutions fail? Failure to plan.
At my August Mastermind gathering, one of my fellow Masters of the Universe mentioned that he planned to double his rehabbing in 2016. He realized that this was going to require a lot more money in order to fund these projects. Part of that conversation were his plans to raise additional capital.
If he started 2016 with his current resources, there is no way he’d be able to purchase enough properties to meet his annual goal. The momentum started 5 months earlier. With a plan in motion, I have no doubt my friend will meet or exceed his target.
So why do I bring this up now?
I’m sure there are people reading this article that made resolutions last year. Get in shape. Save more money. Buy a few investment properties.
How many of your New Years resolutions remain unrealized?
The holiday season is nearly upon us. It’s time to be thankful and celebrate our family and friends. But it’s also time to start building momentum for the new year. It’s time to plan and it’s time to implement.
Don’t let this year be another year of last opportunity and broken promises. Instead let this be the year when you started changing things. You finally started to build something you can be proud of. Start reaching your 2016 goals by taking action today.